Friday, January 11, 2013

Riannes Birth Story

Its time I shared Riannes birth story. All the details.

The day I went into labor was Sunday, January 8th, 2012. I stayed home from church because I want feeling good. As the day progressed I didn't really feel any better. i started having irregular contractions at about 9:30 pm and i warned my mom that tonight could be the night. At 11 pm my contractions became regular. I sat at home and labored and 30 minutes before we left for the hospital, mom and I wrote my birth plan(I actually really just hijacked my moms that was saved on her computer) and packed my bags. The whole 30 minute drive to the hospital I only did 2 things, breathe and worry about my water breaking all over my moms car. we arrived at the hospital at 3:30 am and discovered that i was dilated to an 8 and was completely effaced. A couple of minuted after that my water broke. the nurse and resident tried to convince me that i had just peed a little. I'm sorry but pee usually stops when you squeeze your kegel muscles....this liquid didn't stop. it took them a half an hour and 3 sticks stuck painfully way up me to find out that I was right and they were wrong. They then took me from triage to my labor room where it felt like Rianne couldn't find a hole so she was just going to dug her way out my lower back. The contractions were so painful that with every one i was crying "back" the whole time. I was trying to ask to have my back rubbed but the only word that would come out of my mouth was "back". I'm pretty sure my poor mom was tired after rubbing my lower back with various objects. My back still isn't like it use to be. if i stand for to long it hurts which brings back the memory of how much it hurt then. When it came time to push, my doctor thought it would be fun to play tug o war with me to help me push. There was no counting, only push until you cant anymore and tug while i was pushing. My doctor is more hands on all throughout the labor unlike most doctors who only come in to catch the baby. when i was pushing the only things running through my head were a string of swear words and "get out, get out, get out." it makes me laugh when i think about it now. At 10:30 am she had finally made her arrival and my doctor announced "ITS A GIRL!!" Little did i know that the "fun" was about to begin. Rianne was literally thrown on my chest in a position where she couldn't take her first breath and the nurse, afraid that Rianne had fluid in her lungs, cut the cord(which i had requested not be cut or clamped until the placenta had arrived) and rushed her to the heat lamp bed thing(lol). turns out she was fine and just placed in the wrong position. Since Rianne was no longer attached to the placenta the med student(wither asked to do so by my doctor or not i really don't care which) started pulling on the cord(also known as cord traction). In doing so she ripped the cord from the placenta which hadn't completely detached yet and the bleeding began. First I started losing my vision, it got to the point to where I could barely see my nose. Then my ears started ringing. First it was a quiet ring and then it go so loud i couldn't hear a single word anyone was saying. Then i started getting dizzy. as all this is going on I'm telling them what was happening. Thats when my doctor realized that my bleeding wasn't normal. i was hemorrahing. They quickly threw the bed in a laying position and made sure my head was lowr than my heart. Apparently they thought it would keep the blood inside me. tpThey started a potocin drop to help get the placenta out faster.  I didnt get to hold my beautiful baby for 2 hours while they fixed me up. The following hours were the hardest. I could go from a laying position to a siting position by myself without nearly fainting. I couldnt even go to the bathroom by jyself because i couldnt stand on my own. I lost a grand total of 1400cc of blood which equates to 5 cups. The next 8 weeks were like hell. I remember crying in the shower because i couldnt wash my hair but was still determined to do so which made me nearly faint almost every time. Walking from one room to the next was just as challanging. 5 steps was all i could handle at first. as the days and weeks progressed so did the amount of steps i could take. On the one day that i slept in my bedroom upstairs i had to have someone else take Rianne as i was to week to carry her let alone climb the 14 steps myself. when i finally started getting better i was excited that i could walk faster than a snail. "I DID IT" rang through my head with every little accomplishment.

I cant believe its been a year since all that happened. its still so fresh in my mind that it couldve happened yesterday. my mom told me before i gave birth that we seem to forget the pain once theyre here but for me, thats not the case.

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